Group Therapy Anxiety and Burnout

October 8, 2017

Group Therapy Anxiety and Burnout

Group Therapy Anxiety and Burnout Amsterdam Den Haag


Group Therapy: Life and Career

Our Group Therapy is for everyone: if you want to improve yourself if you are addressing your deepest fear or if you are filling blocked at work, or if you are looking for a new perspective. Our Group is focused on the solution of the problem of Anxiety, and consequently, of the Burnout, Panic Attacks and the Depression.

Indeed, anxiety is the emotion of fear for a perceived future threats, real or unreal; and the Burnout is the developed Anxiety in some area of our life like: work, family, relations, etc. Sometimes, Anxiety is crystallized in a specific fear or a particular situation in various grades, from littles fears to a great phobia causing Panic Attacks and Depression.

In any of these cases, Anxiety, as Depression, is a negative circle of thoughts, and we entirely know its patter and the way you can learn to stop it.

Hence,  we decided to conduct the Group Therapy. Indeed, in non-individual courses, the participant will have some advantages, as:

  • Avoid the emotional or/and physical loneliness that Anxiety can cause;
  • Listening to the experiences of Others, understanding better the patter of the negative circle;
  • Participate in specific Group Therapy exercises;
  • Obtain fast results working with Others;
  • Make a step out the comfort zone, starting learning how to address Anxiety.

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Anxiety in daily life

Anxiety could affect daily life in a lot of way. First of All, we can consider that Anxiety, as any function of our Brain, isn’t static, it is plastic an in a continuos movement.

As a function of our brain, more we used it, more we will continue to use it, causing a hyper-stimulation of a particular Brain Area, in this case the Amygdala. Hence, in this case the function of Anxiety will be over-stimulated and its pattern will invade other areas of our normal behavior, linked itself with our self-judgment and life point of view.

The constant fear for the results, the idea that it is never enough, the continuous self judgement and the avoidance of perceived uncomfortable situations, are only some emotional symptoms of the Anxiety that could affect personal relations, daily life and expectations.

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Anxiety, Anger and Frustration

One of the Anxiety response is the Anger. More we will be Anxious, and more we will be frustrated and, consequently, our Anger will blows-up.

Anxiety works very slowly, step by step, affecting our self-esteem,  freezing yourself in a social situation, during discussions and in general permitting the avoidance of our interests, or the expression of yourself.

Frustration is the consequence of this behavior: it is a weight, brings a situation to another where will become Anger against a new, and innocent, target.

In the Group Therapy, you will learn to manage your communication skill, going deeper avoiding both the Anger and the fear of the confrontation.

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The Peak Performance

Anxiety doesn’t produce Peak Performance.

The idea that Anxiety is helpful in work is 95% wrong!

More we will be calm, and more we will be able to do a great job.

Instead, calm doesn’t mean unproductive or unfocused: it is precisely the opposite:

Calm means aware!

To arrive at the Peak performance, our Brain needs time and an increasing focusing period: the Anxiety works in the opposite ways, reducing our attention and blocking the process increasing focusing.

Indeed, to shut down the hyper-activation of the Amygdala system, we will show to you how to train the Executive Function of your Brain, gaining in focusing, working memory, planning, solving problems: making a step forward in your personal life and career.

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The Burnout

Most of us have days when we feel bored, overloaded, or unappreciated when dragging ourselves out of bed requires a lot of determination but if you feel like this most of the time, however, you may be in burnout. Because it reduces productivity and saps your energy, leaving you feeling increasingly helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful: hence you may feel like you have nothing more to give or to hope.

As a result, the adverse effects of burnout spill over into every area of life—including your home, work, and social life; especially relevant burnout can also cause long-term changes in your body that make you vulnerable to illnesses. ( if you want to know more take a look at our page about Burnout )

Hence, Burnout is a kind of auto-sabotage, inducing us to stop working, going out with friends, staying with our family, having fun and happy moments.

Avoiding the burnout means work on our Anxiety: during Group Therapy sessions you will learn how to recognize the pattern of the Burnout and how to prevent it, Starting again, living your life fully.

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Group Therapy Anxiety and Burnout Amsterdam Den Haag

The Principles of Group Therapy

( from the Article What Is Group Therapy and How Does It Work? By Kendra Cherry – VeryWell all rights reserved)

In The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, Irvin D. Yalom outlines the key principles that have been derived from self-reports from individuals who have been involved in the group therapy process:

  1. The instillation of hope: The group contains members at different stages of the treatment process. Seeing people who are coping or recovering gives hope to those at the beginning of the process.
  2. Universality: Being part of a group of people who have the same experiences helps people see that what they are going through is universal and that they are not alone.
  3. Imparting information: Group members can help each other by sharing information.
  4. Altruism: Group members can share their strengths and help others in the group, which can boost self-esteem and confidence.
  5. The corrective recapitulation of the primary family group: The therapy group is much like a family in some ways. Within the group, each member can explore how childhood experiences contributed to personality and behaviors. They can also learn to avoid behaviors that are destructive or unhelpful in real life.
  6. Development of socialization techniques: The group setting is a great place to practice new behaviors. The setting is safe and supportive, allowing group members to experiment without the fear of failure.
  7. Imitative behavior: Individuals can model the behavior of other members of the group or observe and imitate the behavior of the therapist.
  8. Interpersonal learning: By interacting with other people and receiving feedback from the group and the therapist, members of the group can gain a greater understanding of themselves.
  9. Group cohesiveness: Because the group is united in a common goal, members gain a sense of belonging and acceptance.
  10. Catharsis: Sharing feelings and experiences with a group of people can help relieve pain, guilt, or stress.
  11. Existential factors: While working within a group offers support and guidance, group therapy helps member realize that they are responsible for their own lives, actions, and choices.

How Effective Is Group Therapy?

Group therapy can be very effective, especially in certain situations. Studies have shown that group therapy can be an effective treatment choice for depression and traumatic stress.

The article Power in Numbers by Paturel, A.  published in the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology suggests that group therapy also meets efficacy standards established by the Society of Clinical Psychology for panic disorder, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia and substance abuse.

Reasons to Use Group Therapy

The principal advantages of group therapy include:

  • Group therapy allows people to receive the support and encouragement of the other members of the group. People participating in the group can see that others are going through the same thing, which can help them feel less alone.
  • Group members can serve as role models to other members of the group.By observing someone successfully coping with a problem, other members of the group can see that there is hope for recovery. As each person progresses, they can, in turn, serve as a role model and support figure for others. This can help foster feelings of success and accomplishment.
  • Group therapy is often very affordable. Instead of focusing on just one client at a time, the therapist can devote his or her time to a much larger group of people.
  • Group therapy offers a safe haven. The setting allows people to practice behaviors and actions within the safety and security of the group.

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Group Therapy Sessions


  • Duration of the Group Therapy sessions is 90 minutes;
  • Any Group Therapy session has own subject addressed by Psycho-education, Sharing experience and confrontation, Practical Exercises;
  • Any Group Therapy session is unique;
  • Anyone can participate, previous experiences are not necessary;
  • In the Group Therapy,there isn’t a fixed starting point: the Group Therapy is going on and anyone can start in any session;
  • The Group Therapy could be followed for any time you need;
  • During Group Therapy sessions, participants could use pseudonyms;
  • The cost for a single Group Therapy session is 60,00€ per person;
  • Sales for Students  are allowed;
  • Two groups are activated: one in Amsterdam and the other in Den Haag;
  • Groups are conducted by our Team of Functioning Psychology Studio;
  • The Groups sessions are conducted in the English Language, and any nationality is welcome;
  • The Group meetings are one per week during evening.

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To make an appointment or for more information, feel free to contact us.



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